Together, we can create Better Streets for Kensington & Chelsea
Bringing clean air, safety and smiles to the streets of Kensington and Chelsea.
Latest News & Updates
Better Streets for Kensington and Chelsea follows steps in its judicial review against the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and demands the reinstatement of the Protected Cycle Lanes on High Street Kensington
18th January 2021 [LONDON] Today the Environmental Law Foundation (ELF) has written to the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) on behalf of its client, Better Streets for Kensington and Chelsea (Better Streets). The letter is a further pre-action protocol letter, following an earlier letter of 23rd December, and is a response to RBKC’s letter to ELF of 8th January. The correspondence is available on Better Streets’ website.
Imperial College Union Supports the Segregated Cycle Scheme Along Kensington High Street
The Letter 2 December 2020 Dear Cllr Campbell, I hope this finds you well. I am writing to express Imperial College Union’s support for the segregated cycle scheme along Kensington High Street. At Imperial College Union, we have a strong focus on sustainability and active travel and continue to encourage our community to cycle or […]
RBKC Youth Council Condemns the Removal of High Street Kensington Cycle Lane
The RBKC Youth Council Statement: The RBKC Youth Council, which has made cycling in the borough an item on its agenda, was extremely disappointed to hear that the KHS Cycle lane was being ripped shortly after its construction. The Youth Council strongly condemns this decision as safe cycling brings many benefits to the young members […]
Better Streets for Kensington & Chelsea writes to RBKC: ‘Please pause for Thought!’ before Ripping Out Borough’s only Protected Cycle Lane!
2nd December 2020 [LONDON] Local volunteer group, Better Streets for Kensington and Chelsea (Better Streets), has asked the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) to pause and reflect before rushing to rip out the safety scheme in place on High Street Kensington. It writes as follows. Dear Councillor Elizabeth Campbell, dear Councillor Johnny Thalassites, […]
Notting Hill Gate: what’s next?
This latest plan is the output from nearly 19 months of local workshops and engagement events following on from another extensive piece of work by RBKC called the “Future High Streets” programme published in 2021.
The draft action plan proposes a range of sensible improvements, yet the council has seemingly ruled that it will not even let people have a say on safe cycle lanes and fails to tackle the blight of traffic despite them being consistent priorities raised in all recent RBKC consultation exercises.
Please have your say, the proposals are worth supporting in themselves but in our opinion the plans do not go far enough.
High Street Kensington Cycle Lane
The cycle lane on High Street Kensington is the only protected cycle lane in the whole of RBKC. It’s already a success. Cycling numbers have more than doubled even within a few weeks, and congestion is actually lower than before the scheme was put in. We need to keep it, and we need your help.
Usable Network for Cycling in Kensington & Chelsea
There are over 200 kms of road in RBKC. None have physically separated bike lanes. About 9 kms have been labelled as “Quietways”, making up under 5% of the total road network. In many places, they are obviously not usable by many people, and wouldn’t comply with current Government standards. Pretty much none are appropriate for more vulnerable users such as children.
North Kensington
During the pandemic we have all had a little more time to explore our neighbourhoods. As we come out of lockdown and enjoy the sun and all the new outdoor seating popping up, we perhaps are rediscovering what it is like to not just see our streets as roads and places to park cars but places to be in our local neighbourhoods. These do not just have to be places to eat and drink – they can be places where we can just sit and relax, for communities to enjoy, meet neighbours and friends for a chat, where children can play and places that are nice to walk or cycle through. They are places that can have trees and plants to improve air quality, increase biodiversity, connect communities; create networks of quiet streets that encourage walking and cycling, support wellbeing, reduces noise levels and make it safer; support local businesses and create new opportunities.
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